Let me clarify this first: Those are not scenes from Avatar~ the surreal images are captured by photographer Barry Underwood. And the photos are of perfectly explainable origins.
Underwood places lights in small studio dioramas or in full-scale real-life environments, creating a sort of hybrid location that is at once very real, yet fantasy-based. His work was shown recently in an exhibition called Earth Engines at The Johannson Projects gallery in Oakland, California. According to Underwood, his work is a cross-pollination of photography and theater. He introduces ideas and elements from land art, cinema and traditional painting. But what comes out of the combination is something wholly unusual and unlike any of its elements.
And of course, LED is the fundamental elements to for the photographer to achieve the fantasy only exist in the dreams. Being removable and harmless to the environment, these temporary light installations play up the natural beauty of their settings without causing any permanent changes. According to the artist, his introduction of artificial lights into a natural landscape renders the forms of the landscape abstract. Indeed, it’s easy to imagine that all of these images were completely engineered in the mind of an imaginative painter.
Glad to see LED is contributing to such large scale projects and has created such stunning scenes to amuse people~
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