Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Two good LED Interactive Designs

CELL+LED (image on the left) is designed as an indoor carpet with the LEDs fitted into the aisles to guide users’ way. Both the amount and colors of the LED and the shape of the carpet can be customized for this interactive multi-function design. Love the way how the LED beans are embedded into the weaves of the texture and functions subtly yet elegantly.
Another example of LED interactive installation. The LED-s Urban Carpet(right-hand image) is a portable interactive installation using a non-traditional user interface. The installation represents a game with a grid of lights that can be embedded as a carpet into the urban context. A pattern of lights is generated dynamically that change in real time according to pedestrians movement over the carpet. According to the designers, the aim is to create a novel urban experience that invites social interactions with the interface among different people as friends, observes or strangers. This is a more computerized design idea compared to the CELL +LED, and would definitely help generate more energy for the urban area, reminds me of the Crow Fountain of the Millennium Park, but smaller and much more portable!



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